PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA “INDUSTRIALISASI INDONESIA” DISUSUN OLEH : 1. ARUM FEBRIANA. R (21215057) 2. MIKE NOVIANA (24215174) 3. WIDYA ANI (27215135) 1EB21 UNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA ATA 2015/2016 CHAPTER 1 DISCUSSION 1.1 Concept and objectives industrialization Beginning from the concept of industrialization, industrial revolution occurred in the 18th century in England, and the discovery of new methods in cotton invention that creates the specialization of production and increased productivity of factors of production. The subsequent new discovery in the processing of iron and the steam engine that encourages new innovations in the processing of steel, steam trains and ships. and after World War II, emerging new technologies such as assembly line, electric motors, item synthesis, telecommunications, ele...