GDP Update: What about Indonesia's Economic Growth in Q1-2016?
ARUM FEBRIANA (21215057)
MIKE NOVIANA (24215174)
WIDYA ANI (27215135)
Darmin Nasution, the Chief Economics Minister of
Indonesia, said economic growth of Indonesia in the first quarter of 2016 may
be somewhat curtailed as the (food) harvest season has shifted from March to
April and May. The harvest season is important for the economy because it
causes a multiplier effect. However, government-led infrastructure investment
may still be able to push Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) growth
higher in Q1-2016 compared with the 5.04 percent (y/y) growth of Q4-2015.
Nasution said he expects a Q1-2016 GDP growth rate around 5.1 - 5.2 percent
Sasmito Hadi Wibowo, Deputy of Distribution and
Services Statistics at the country's statistics agency (BPS), explained that
the harvest season always contributes positively to Indonesia's economic
expansion because this season encourages a sharp rise in food production and
processed food production. This gives consumers more choices in terms of food
items in supermarkets as well as the traditional markets. Particularly when
retailers offer discounts amid rising competition consumption rises, followed
by higher output in the food industry, and thus the economic wheels are in
motion. When consumption of food rises, it also impacts positively on other
sectors, such as transportation or the packaging industry, hence causing the
so-called multiplier effect. However, due to the harvest season's shift from
March to April and May, this multiplier effect is expected to be felt in the
second quarter, instead of the first one.
Impact of Sluggish Global Economic Growth
The outlook for global economic growth remains filled
with uncertainties. Last week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced
it had cut its forecast for 2016 global growth from 3.4 percent (y/y) to 3.2
percent (y/y), one of the many downward revisions in its global growth outlook
that we saw over the past years. Reasons why the IMF is less positive about global
growth include political isolationism (the possible exit of Great Britain from
the European Union), growing economic inequality, risks of sharp currency
devaluations, geopolitical conflicts, spillovers from China's economic
slowdown, the impact of low oil prices on emerging markets, and ongoing
weakness in Japan, Europe and the USA.
Meanwhile, the World Bank cut its 2016 forecast for
developing East Asia and the Pacific to 6.3 percent (y/y) from 6.4 percent
(y/y) previously due to spillover effects from China's economic turmoil,
financial market volatility, persistently low commodity prices, and
weaker-than-expected economic recoveries in advanced nations.
As the global economic outlook remains subdued
(implying that further weakening
of Indonesia's export performance is highly likely), the key for an
acceleration of Indonesia's economic growth lies domestically, not globally.
Besides government spending on infrastructure development (and encouraging the
private sector to join investment in this field), the Indonesian government has
been releasing a series of economic stimulus packages since September 2015.
These policy packages aim at boosting investment through deregulation and
fiscal incentives, encouraging the development of the manufacturing sector,
encouraging the small and mid-sized companies to engage in export, improve
logistics costs, and more (see table below). However, Indonesia has a 'solid'
track record in terms of the weak implementation of its own reform policies
(for example Indonesia's ceramic manufacturers are still waiting for the lower
energy prices that were promised in the third package that was unveiled on 7
October 2015), and therefore it remains uncertain to what extent these packages
will manage to push GDP growth higher.
Economic Stimulus Packages of the Indonesian Government:
Main Points
9 September
2015 |
• Boost industrial competitiveness
through deregulation
• Curtail red tape • Enhance law enforcement & business certainty |
30 September
2015 |
• Interest rate tax cuts for
• Speed up investment licensing for investment in industrial estates • Relaxation import taxes on capital goods in industrial estates & aviation |
7 October
2015 |
• Cut energy tariffs for
labor-intensive industries
15 October
2015 |
• Fixed formula to determine
increases in labor wages
• Soft micro loans for >30 small & medium, export-oriented, labor-intensive businesses |
22 October
2015 |
• Tax incentive for asset
• Scrap double taxation on real estate investment trusts • Deregulation in Islamic banking |
5 November
2015 |
• Tax incentives for investment in
special economic zones
4 December
2015 |
• Waive income tax for
workers in the nation's labor-intensive industries
• Free leasehold certificates for street vendors operating in 34 state-owned designated areas |
21 December
2015 |
• Scrap income tax for 21
categories of airplane spare parts
• Incentives for the development of oil refineries by the private sector • One-map policy to harmonize the utilization of land |
27 January
2016 |
• Single billing system for port
services conducted by SOEs
• Integrate National Single Window system with 'inaportnet' system • Mandatory use of Indonesian rupiah for payments related to transportation activities • Remove price difference between private commercial and state postal services |
11 February
2016 |
• Removing foreign ownership cap
on 35 businesses
• Protecting small & medium enterprises as well as cooperatives |
29 March
2016 |
• Lower tax rate on property
acquired by local real estate investment trusts
• Harmonization of customs checks at ports (to curtail dwell time) • Government subsidizes loans for export-oriented small & medium enterprises • Roadmap for the pharmaceutical industry |
Source: Indonesian Government
Meanwhile, in an effort to boost people's purchasing power
and household consumption, the Indonesian government announced it will raise
non-taxable income by 50 percent from IDR 36 million (approx. USD $2,727) to
IDR 54 million (approx. USD $4,090). Household consumption accounts for about
56 percent of Indonesia's overall economic growth and therefore an improvement
in household's purchasing power will have a direct and large impact on economic
growth. However, there also exists doubts whether its move to raise non-taxable
income will significantly boost household consumption.
All in all, we appreciate that the
Indonesian government is aware that the key to higher GDP growth lies onshore,
not offshore as the global economic outlook remains subdued. It is particularly
important for the country to reduce its dependence on (raw) commodity exports
because the era of the commodities boom (that occurred in the 2000s) may never
return. The recently unveiled economic packages are therefore a positive sign,
so are government efforts to boost purchasing power and Bank Indonesia's
successful efforts to stabilize the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate and curtail
the current account deficit through a prudent monetary approach.
However, Indonesia is a complicated
country due to its large size (and diverse cultural composition) and the
massive bureaucratic traditions or way of thinking. This makes the country
similar to a large oil tanker; when it changes course it takes a long time to
turn around. Moreover, Indonesia is known for its flip-flop policies implying
that - during the turn toward a particular direction - the tanker's course can
suddenly be set back to the initial direction (implying no reform has taken
place) or to another new direction (which increases the total time spent on
turning the tanker).
However, we do believe that the government's efforts will be
sufficient to push 2016 GDP growth above the 5.0 percent (y/y) mark, up from
last year's (six-year low) GDP growth realization of 4.79 percent (y/y).
Indonesia's Quarterly GDP Growth
2009-2015 (annual % change):
Quarter I
Quarter II
Quarter III
Quarter IV
Analysis: Indonesian economic structure growth is
expected to occur in the first quarter, but due to the shift of the harvest
season began in March, April and May. Economic
structure growth will occur in the second quarter, not the first. The
harvest season always contributes positively to Indonesia's economic expansion
because this season encourages a sharp rise in food production and processed
food production.
To accelerate economic growth, the government released a series of
economic stimulus packages to encourage each agency in implementing this
policy. The problem is that Indonesia is a complex country, large-scale state
and a diverse culture. Somehow, the community are confident that the
government's efforts will be enough to push 2016 GDP growth above 5.0 mark up
from (a six-year low) realization GDP growth last year.
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